Vivienne Dick

Film Director
Claim Profile


  • The True Centre Is Always New
    2007 — film
  • Molecular Moment
    2006 — film
  • Saccade
    2004 — film
  • Excluded By The Nature Of Things
    2002 — Feature Film
  • Two Be Two
    undefined — undefined
  • Short
    1999 — Feature Film
  • A Skinny Little Man Attacked Daddy
    Film — 1994
  • Two Pigeons
    1990 — Feature Film
  • London Suite
    1989 — Feature Film
  • Images Ireland
    1988 — Feature Film
  • Pobal - Portrait Of An Artist
    1988 — Feature Film
  • Rothach
    1985 — Feature Film
  • Like Dawn To Dust
    1983 — Feature Film
  • Trailer
    1983 — Film
  • Loisaida
    1982 — Feature Film
  • Visibility: Moderate
    1981 — Feature Film
  • Liberty’s Booty
    1980 — Feature Film
  • Beauty Becomes The Beast
    1979 — Feature Film
  • She Had Her Gun All Ready
    1978 — Feature Film
  • Guerrillere Talks
    1978 — Feature Film
  • Staten Island
    1978 — Feature Film

Vivienne Dick began making films in New York in the late seventies where her work has been associated with the No Wave music movement.

She lived in London for 15 years where she raised her son, continued making work and was a member of The London Filmmaker’s Coop. Her work has been screened widely at festivals and museums including The Whitney Biennale, IMMA New York and Dublin, Tate Britain, and The Pompidou Centre. She has received a number of Production Awards from the British and Irish Arts Councils. Her work is in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art, Anthology Archives and The Irish Archives. She was elected member of Aosdana in 2007. She continues to make and show films and lives and teaches in the West of Ireland.